Hey it’s Mark Harbert,
Got a quick question for you…
How would you like to be rewarded with CASH PRIZES for growing your business within 21 days?
Not a bad deal right? So pay close attention to what’s about to take place!
I’m About to Reveal How to build MASSIVE momentum, Skyrocket Your Business, Build a Rock Solid Brand... and WIN $1000 in Prizes!!
(Limited Spots Available!)
And to help you WIN, I’ll give you the same video marketing strategies that got me...
And because of these video marketing strategies you’ll learn during this 21 Day blitz... I’ve never had a month of income below $5-Figures since that initial 90 days back in 2012!
That’s exactly what online video has the potential to do for YOU as well... starting now!
If you’re wondering if using video is still as powerful as it was when I broke $5-figures in less than 90 days...the fact is it’s more powerful than ever!
It’s only gotten bigger and better since those days when I was pumping out videos on Youtube.
Especially when you consider that there are 500 million hours of video watched everyday and thats on YouTube alone...
Pretty insane right?
During this 21-day video blitz you’ll find out how to pinpoint target the exact people who want what you have to offer.
And the best part…
The videos you create during the next 21-days you will set yourself up to bring in automated leads and sales for years and years to come! PERIOD!
Imagine fresh prospects who almost immediately begin to know, like, and trust YOU because of the awesome power that video holds… combined with the effective methods of video creation you'll be using!
Imagine pulling in the prospects who are much more likely to buy your products, or join you in your opportunity!
Now extend that to the next 6-months or year... after you’ve kept on doing everything you’ll discover, have created even more videos, and have even more leads and sales coming in each and every single day!
You’ll discover exactly how to engineer those kinds of results over the next 21-days during my 21-Day Video Blitz!
Why a Blitz?
Doing a high activity blitz like this have proven to get people just like YOU to...
But first let’s get down to business here.
Does Any of This Sound Like YOU?
If any of those sound familiar to you then you’re in the right place, because within the next 21 days all that will have changed!
In fact, if you do the simple things that I’ll lay out step-by-step during this blitz…
Of course for any of that to happen…you’ve got to do the work, and have the winning attitude.
And that’s exactly what a high-intensity action oriented blitz will do for you!
Competition brings out the best in people. It makes you push through pain and struggle like nothing else.
You’ll have your peers breathing down your neck with their results.
You’ll see first hand that other people JUST LIKE YOU are starting to see success from their video marketing. And you won’t stand for it!
If they can do it, so can YOU!!
Here’s How the Blitz Works!...
Each week we’ll have a LIVE SESSION (which will be recorded) and in addition... you will get an email each morning at 6am for 21 days with your video topic for the day and a promotional checklist...
But remember... your fellow Blitz members will be hard at work, so don’t sit on any session if you want to win some of the prizes!
Get there LIVE and get rolling right away, so you can be in the running for the prizes and the bragging rights (and of course the traffic, leads, and sales!)
Here is exactly what we are going to cover during this 21-Day blitz...
Right from the get-go you'll find out how to create videos to build your brand, and become an authority online.
We'll dig our heels in and build the know, like, and trust that you MUST establish if you want ANY hope of succeeding. What kind of video content should you be sharing? This is the week you'll find out!
I'll lay out a proven strategy that anybody can follow, (even if you just started yesterday.)
We’ll jump right in during session one and lay the foundations for you to dominate with video.
Get a rock-solid understanding of the fundamentals to maximize your potential, and start building YOUR audience.
If you want to be getting leads for 2, 3, or even 5 years after you create your video, you will want to see this session’s training LIVE.
Creating videos alone isn't enough to get you leads and sales. After you create a video you have to promote it and get it out there if you want maximum exposure.
This is where most people miss the boat. It's not your fault, you just haven't been taught how to do it properly.
This session will all be about what to do with your videos once you create them.
Getting views super quick primes your videos for long term success and residual lead flow.
For this session I am going to show you some "Easy To Do" edits that will take your videos up a notch where the pros play without all the production they do.
This session will be filled with some serious strategies to help you squeeze maximum juice out of every video and 10x your results overnight!
These are strategies I have used for years to keep my videos looking pro and getting leads.
Imagine over the course of 21 days getting an email every morning with a specific topic each day to create a video about and how to promote it?
During the Blitz you will get an email from me every morning at 6am Eastern with your instructions for the day.
Each assignment will include creating a video and promoting it for maximum exposure.
This is the ultimate way to build a habit and explode your business to the next level.
This is going to make a huge difference in your success.
You’ll get 24/7 access to the Exclusive & Private Video Marketing Blitz Facebook Group where I’ll be posting videos to keep you on track.
PLUS you’ll have access to me, and your fellow members so that you stay on track, stay motivated, and keep driving forward for the entire 21 days of the blitz!
THIS will change everything!
If you're the type of person who is ready to GET PAID, DOMINATE THE LEADERBOARDS, and build your dream business, then this is the next step to making that happen and put video to work for you...
In 21 Days from Now You Could Be Significantly Closer to Success with Your Business... Getting Traffic, Leads, and Sales Flowing in Daily from EVERY Video You Create!